28 Sep 2018 damodar pyakurel
Pushpalal Park located at Champadevi of Kritipur municipality is a beautiful site having potential of developing as a tourist destination. The surrounding of this beautiful park is breath-taking. “A study is being carried out for infrastructure development of the area, with its natural beauty and sidewalks, has the potentiality for tourism” said the municipality’s deputy mayor Saraswati Khadka. Also, Kritipur Integrated Tourism Development Project will launch soon giving special priority to the tourism development, she added. The main aim of this project is to make the park famous in national and international levels.
Besides, Nepal Government is being serious for the tourism development of this area. There established Kritipur Tourism Development committee for the development of Local Tourism. This committee includes experts of the tourism field and distinguished individuals of the society as member. Likewise, One who want to run business like Hotel which could help in tourism development will get discount in Tax and other fees. Undoubtedly, we can see Pushpalal Park as one of the top tourist area of the city in coming days.