2 Sep 2019 damodar pyakurel
Swayambhunath temple is an ancient, religious architecture located at top of the hill of Kathmandu valley. It is also known as Monkey Temple. It is one of ten UNESCO world heritage sites of Nepal. According to Mythology, the entire valley was filled with water and a Lotus grew in the middle of the lake. Manjushree the bodhisattva of wisdom, cut a George at Chovar and all the water of the lake drained. There established a settlement in the valley and named as Kathmandu valley. Lotus later changed to hill and flowers to temples and Stupas.
There are two entry points to the Swayambhunath temple. One is a car way straight from the ring road to the temple. Another is a steep stairway that leads directly to the main stupa of this site. The paranoiac view of the Kathmandu valley from the main stupa is awesome. Many Hindus and Buddhist form all over the world come to visit this holy site. The religious vibe and surrounding aroma of this place is great. There are many beautiful statues of Lord Buddha and other Hindu lords present in this site indicating religious equality.