Hiking is a general word for travelling on foot in hill or countryside. Day hikers return before nightfall. Other hikers may go out for many days. Sometimes large groups hike together.
Hiking is a kind of physical activity as well as a leisure activity (a way of spending free time). Hikers (the people who do hiking) enjoy fresh air and the beauty of nature, and learn about the place. Many hikers enjoy challenging their physical and mental strength. Hiking with friends gives them the chance to become stronger. Kathmandu has a lots of hiking destination for hiking during the winter season and all over the year. The famous hiking spots around the Kathmandu Valley are as follows:
Nagarkot Hiking

Height: 2197m
Starting Point: Changunarayan Temple (32 km east of Kathmandu)
Ending Point: Nagarkot
Duration: 4 hours
Difficulty Level: Easy
Best Season: All around Year
Location: South of Kathmandu Valley
Nagarkot hiking is a well-known destination around the Kathmandu valley for short hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. A beautiful city located at an elevation of 2197m has been successful to attract thousands of national and international visitors every day. Changunarayan is the starting point of the hike. The hike is a slow and steady walk of 4 hours through different forests, villages, and farmlands.
Indra Daha Switzerland Park Hiking

Height: 1830m
Starting Point: Nagdhunga, Kathmandu
Ending Point: Switzerland Park, Kathmandu
Duration: 5-6 hours
Difficulty Level: Easy
Best Season: All around the year
Location: South of Kathmandu Valley
Indra Daha Switzerland park hiking is one of the most popular hiking destinations around Kathmandu Valley. This hike is a great combination of natural, historical, and religious significance. Indra Daha is a pond where Lord Indra took bath to get rid of the curse of Gautam Rishi. This place is also famous for the graveyard of chief commander Kalu Pandey. Kalu Pandey was the chief commander of the Late king Prithivi Narayan Shah and died in the first invasion of Kritipur. Switzerland Park is a famous picnic spot for many internal and external tourists.
Phulchowki Hiking

Height: 2782m
Starting Point: Godawari (14km south of Kathmandu)
Ending Point: Phulchowki
Duration: 5-6 hours
Difficulty Level: Easy
Best Season: All around the year
Location: South of Kathmandu Valley
Phulchowki Hiking is one of the most Popular Hiking destinations around Kathmandu Valley. It is a slow and steady journey to the highest hill with an elevation of 2782m, surrounding the beautiful Kathmandu Valley. This is the best hiking to go on for the first time trekker to train themselves and take a break from their daily schedule and enjoy the peaceful panoramic Views.
Nagarjun Hill Hiking

Height: 2128m
Starting Point: Phulbari Gate, Bypass
Ending Point: Phulbari Gate, Bypass
Duration: 5-6 hours
Difficulty Level: Easy
Best Season: All around the year
Location: Kathmandu
Nagarjun Hill hiking is one of the most popular hiking around Kathmandu Valley to the nearest hill. It is a journey of 5-6 hrs through the beautiful Forest Raniban (Queen Forest) to the popular viewpoint and religious place called Jamacho. Jamacho is an important religious site for both Hindus and Buddhists. People use to believe, the name of this hill was named after the sage Nagarjuna who used to meditate there.
Champadevi Hiking

Height: 2180m
Starting Point: Kathmandu
Ending Point: Puspalal Park
Duration: 5-6 hours
Difficulty Level: Easy
Best Season: All around the year
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Champa Devi hiking is an easy and enjoyable day hike in the southern hill of Kathmandu valley. Champa Devi is in the elevation of 2180 meters above the sea level and is one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Walking through the lush pine forest on well develop trail is really wonderful experience. Superb view of Langtang, Gauri Shankar, Jugal, Dorge Lakpa Himalayas are the major attraction of the hiking. Apart from it, we can observe the bustling Kathmandu city and spectacular village settlements from the top. Several return routes are possible. Aside from visiting the temples, you will get a wonderful opportunity to explore the countryside with authentic and traditional houses and local culture during the hiking.